Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tough Tuesday!

Wow! One of those "nervous" days around here. Mom and Dad took BJ off to her Dr's appointment this morning and it was more than my curly tail is worth to push for a treat today! Since I'm very perceptive, I knew they were really worried. That "teeth cleaning" turned into three extractions and some sutures. OUCH! Also, BJ is less than 4 months from her 10th birthday and she's a bit high-strung for a Pug, so anesthesia and major dental surgery are a bit tension making.

But BJ came through just fine. She came back home around 5:30 with her Christmas Holly bandana and a festive pink bandage around the leg where her IV drip was. I got to ride with Dad to pick her up and I gave her a thorough check up when we got back to the house. She's my pal, I gotta make sure she's OK.

Mom says when she's worried she needs to keep busy. Well, she certainly was busy today. She was up and down the ladder to the attic getting Christmas decorations and then she was downstairs helping Dad put in the bathroom floor for the remod. She's been keeping so busy yesterday and today that she even turned off the computer! Now that BJ's all better maybe we can get back to normal and start getting our treats again.

(Poor BJ can't have crunchy treats for 14 days!! Can you imagine?? 14 DAYS!)

My Home

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