Friday, December 09, 2005

Frustrating Friday

It's cold! Didn't get enough above freezing yesterday to thaw the water in the dog bowls on the deck. Mom kept "The Boys" and Ms Pogie in all day and all night with only 10 minute pottie breaks outside. Surprisingly, they all were pretty well-behaved and Mom only had a few messes to clean up. We (BJ, MissyLu and I) refer to the boys and MsPogie as the "outside" kids because they spend more time outside than we do. They even sleep outside on the deck when the weather's nice. I used to be an outside kid, but after Ms PoppyLu died Mom needed a lot of comforting so I stepped up to help.

One of the reasons Mom is so itchy about getting the downstairs remodelling job finished is because she's having a "doggie door" installed so everyone can come and go as they please. And there isn't going to be any carpeting downstairs so cleaning up accidents won't be a big deal. Mom has every cleaning device known to Woman, but she says the aroma we leave behind when we leave our calling cards resists all cleaning and is unpleasant to humans. Fancy that. Mind you, I NEVER make mistakes inside and neither does BJ, but MissyLu and the boys are still very young and haven't quite learned all the rules.

You're wondering where the "Frustrating" comes in on this Friday. Well, that's for Mom. Her computer connection is suffering a severe slow down. She has a cable connection, but it has been slow to the point of being unresponsive. Would you believe...her "backup" dialup service is working better than her cable broadband. She couldn't even help me with my Blog here until she got me on the dialup!! She tried everything...even disconnected her router...but nothing seems to help. I had to put my paws over my ears for the language!!


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