My Mom's a pretty smart gal as far as academics go but she's a bit dim in some areas. Take today, for example. We were happily tweeting along with my twittermates when the monitor exploded. Ok, it was a mild flying glass, just a sudden "whooshing" noise and then some smoke pouring out the top and back of the monitor. Whatever, the monitor no longer worked. Smelled pretty bad, too.
BigTimeBummer. We talking a 32 inch LCD combo TV/monitor. We can't use computer, Mom can't watch TV...can't vote Pugs on Tweeterwall!! Horrors!
First Mom thought; Wal-Mart & new monitor...out and back in 3 hours. But just bought a new refrigerator & don't need more credit card debt. Smart Mom.
Second Mom thought; have another TV/monitor upstairs that isn't used a lot, so could be used at least temporarily & don't have to spend money. Smart Mom.
Next Mom thought; don't wanna wait 'til Dad gets home to help move that 42 inch HDTV beast downstairs, so will do it alone! Dumb Mom!
Mind you, LCD monitors aren't all that heavy. But Mom's closer to 70 (about 10 in dog years) than 60 and she's not the strongest warrior among the 300! Wrestling 80 pound fragile items down 13 stairs is not wise!
I don't need to tell you, do I? She did it. Lifted it off the stand, got a trolley from the garage to take it to the top of the stairway, took it off trolley and walked it downstairs, then used the trolley to roll it to her room.
It's all set up and working well. Impressive, Mom...but not very smart!
Our mom's monitor died once, but it turned blue. Not like solid blue, but like, as if the screen was covered with blue stained glass. She had to finish the last few weeks of college on her BLUE-TINTED monitor... it gave her nasty headaches!
You could have helped instead of just watching and waiting for calamity.
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