Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Into the Maw of Summer

The all-devouring heat of south central Texas has arrived. Outdoor activity for Pugs is limited and rides to town almost completely eliminated unless destinations are those establishments that allow entry to dogs.

The canine population here is spending most of the day inside with air conditioning. Even Buddy. It's just too hot out there! 106 on our shaded deck yesterday! Blimey!

Chloe is settling down a bit and for that we are all pleased. Mom posted a couple of videos of Chloe in the wading pool. Have a looksee and a laugh Mom's YouTube

Mom's been updating the web site a bit, adding links to my Twitter friends' sites. I'm still voting on the Twitterwall Pugs. I hear the contest closes July 2. Not too soon for me!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dad and Mate Plus Eight!

Last Sunday was Father's Day. Mom helped all the "furkids" select a suitable card and gift for our Dad. Mom had a special calendar made for him...it was with pictures of all us kids and it started in June so he will have a full year's use of it. We thought it was pretty nice.

But Dad always aims higher. He cruises Craig's list almost daily and last Friday he found a listing for a Great Dane puppy with "special needs" that needed an adoptive family. I don't need to go into the details, as the title tells it all! Yep, he brought her home.

There she is. Chloe. Four months old, all legs & very shy. She glommed on to Dad during the ride home and is very "clingy" when he's around. Mom introduced the rest of the family very slowly. I, of course, was calm and aloof as I am with all intruders as long as they show proper respect. BJ totally ignored her and MissyLu was instantly ticked off as her spot as Daddy's Little Princess and baby of the family was threatened. And wouldn't you know it, one of the first things Chloe did was usurp MissyLu's spot at the base of the stairs. MissyLu was NOT amused.

Meeting "the boys" was traumatic for poor Chloe, but then, their exuberance even gets to me at times. As Pippin and Hooter rushed to meet and greet her, she tucked her tail so far under her that it tickled her nose! Who would have thought a dog that large could curl up into a ball so small! Buddy, the only canine on the place larger than baby Chloe, was a gentleman and quite reserved with his curiosity.

Chloe's "special needs" were said to be demodectic mange. However, Mom suspects the mange is the least of this pup's problems. We will see. I'll have more to say about this, I'm sure.


Monday, June 15, 2009

The Competitive Edge

Cesar Millan would be proud of me. I am a calm submissive Pug. Happy to be with my humans, get along well with other animals...well, most of the time...sometimes Lucy the cat gets a bit pushy. Of course, it helps that I'm the "resident" Pug. I've been here the longest, so the others naturally give me respect. But that's beside the point. The point is that I'm really laid back and easy going.

Until...injustice...deceit...outright lies! Oh, I can get riled for a good reason! That happened last week. One of my Twitter pals was entered into a competition for "Top Animal Twitter." She asked for our Pug votes through Twitter & many of us responded. But guess what I discovered?? Several of those who were entered were NOT animals, but were humans using their pets as a cover! Why, one of the entrants didn't even OWN the animal they used as an avatar! And the clearly stated FIRST rule of the competition is that it is for animals, not for persons or groups.

I was livid with indignation! I growled for hours as I plumbed the depths of their corruption and found out they're all ganged up together! Naturally, I informed my own Tweeps about what was going on and in a general uprising we were able to promote my friend to the #3 spot & shut out the cheaters. Now, mind you, those cats in the #1 and #2 places are legit, so we have no quarrel there. Winning is nice, but it's not everything. What is really important is standing up for truth, justice and the Pug way!


Monday, June 01, 2009


Oh my! Summer has arrived. Can't say I'm all that pleased. Fewer car trips with Dad, less time meandering around outside. Too hot! Don't get me wrong, I like a snooze in the sun as well as any Pug, but I'm not really equipped to handle temps over 90 in the shade! Mom puts a "Pug play pool" out in the yard, but Hooter is the only one who really seems to enjoy it. All that water...I just don't know.

I have lots of new friends on Twitter. Mom bought a book written by one of my friends. It's called Summer Pugs. Check it out. And don't forget to check out my own book, FROM POUND TO PRICELESS over on Blurb.

It's time to start shopping for Dad's Day. Dad helped us furkids give Mom a plant and flower pot for Mom's Day. Don't know what we're going to do for Dad, but Mom's already found the perfect card...it has PUGS on it!
