Saturday, March 31, 2007

Signing up on Technorati

Mom's gathering us all together. It's all too technical for me!

Technorati Profile


Friday, March 30, 2007

We've got company!

Dad's always volunteering. Sometimes he volunteers Mom. His latest volunteer is for a weekend of babysitting with little Miss Harlee, a Pug puppy belonging to a fellow worker.

Isn't she cute? Of course, I've had to remind her a few times that I'm the boss, but she settled in quickly and joined the pack.


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Looky, Looky!

Here's Sonny! He's a two year old gelding, about 36 - 38 inches tall.
Isn't he grand? Mom says he looks like a small unicorn.


And here is Smokey!

She's a one year old filly.
About 34 - 36 " tall.


They're so cute!


Monday, March 26, 2007

Oh! The Excitement!

I have two new friends! Mom and Dad rescued two mini horses! Haven't met them yet 'cause Mom says they need some time to settle down after their move.

Would you of them ( white, two-year old gelding) was named "Buster!!" That, of course will have to change, but should be no big deal for him because he was mostly ignored and probably has no idea what he was called. Mom hasn't a clue yet as to his name...she says he will give it to her when he's ready. His companion, a cute little one year old mare, practically shouted out "Smokey!" when Mom thought about a name for her. It fits her coloring right now and friend Valerie says she might turn gray as she matures.

Double Woof!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hard Times Blogging!

Arf! I don't know what's going on. I was cruising along, keeping it simple. Then BONGO! I've got all sorts of changes to deal with. I've typed in a totally different language, lost my password, grown new legs..(OK, that's an exaggeration) and in general been totally confused.

Hey! I'm a dog...I live in the here and now. I don't care if you change servers, ownership, tags, etc...just keep thing stable for me, OK? Sheesh! You tax my patience!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Day the Rains Came

In the wee small hours of Monday, March 12, we had a flood. Mom and Dad pulled their first "all nighter" in years, but it wasn't for a party. A drought-breaking flood, over 5 inches of rain in just a few hours, flooded the downstairs area of the house.

Mom and Dad stayed up all night bailing, sopping and mopping water. Mom thinks the flooring in the great room area may need to be replaced.

Tuesday we had more thunderstorms. Dad was in town and Mom was minding the rain buckets that catch the roof runoff. No more water got in the house. Yay!

I'll have to keep out of the downstairs until it is all dried out. Bummer!
