Wow! Things move along quickly sometimes! Labor Day weekend Mom and Dad erected a gazebo thingy in the back yard. It's neat-o! They put down a stone floor & it has mosquito netting so you can keep the bugs out. Then just this past weekend Dad and his friend Ricky got the outside siding and trim almost all finished on the downstairs addition! I'm impressed & Mom is really pleased.
Oh, yeah, Wednesday the 6th was Mom and Dad's 19th anniversary so they took a day trip to Moody Gardens in Galveston. Boy, were they gone a long time. But I was a good boy and there were no clean-ups for Mom when they got home. Yeah, MissyLu and BJ were good, too, but they have puppy pads if they really get uncomfortable. I won't use 'em myself.
Thursday was Dad's birthday. Mom figured he'd spend the day resting & watching his M*A*S*H dvd's, but instead he made a walkway from the driveway to the gazebo. What a guy!